

Cultura & Educação

We are a group of artists, art educators and cultural activists with local, international and global work from different Brazilian communities. We use the arts as pedagogical languages in all social spaces, transforming them into intimate theaters of cultural literacy and intervention, contributing to the 'training' of young people, democratic communities and professional transformations. As the name states, the founding principle of our Institute is to teach how to read and perform social transformation. Our institute offers presentations, workshops, courses, teacher training, collaborative projects and posters, books and exhibitions about this work. We hope you find what you are looking for. The site is constantly being updated where we will include information in Portuguese and English.

Please be aware of the different dimensions of our work and write to us if you are interested in chatting with us, receiving information about our books or working together collaboratively.

Recent Projects

Meet our Amazonian community library from the Rivers of Meeting project, on the River Tocantins, which stimulates readings of the world through poetry, dance, percussion, dance, video and kites to learn histories and rewrite the future!
Amazônia Sem Molduras é uma 'exposição' virtual do Projeto Rios de Encontro de obras (outdoors e minidoors) poético-fotográficas, instaladas por artistas infantis e juvenis entre 2008-21, na pracinha e nas ruas de Cabelo Seco, bairro matrix de Marabá, no Sul e Sudeste do Pará. É contextualizada por publicações artístico-pedagógicas do acervo digital do projeto (logo-marcas, vídeos, músicas, poemas e crônicas), para narrar e celebrar os processos comunitários de resgate e reinvenção realizados por crianças, adolescentes e jovens de suas raízes culturais afroindígenas, para defender o Rio Tocantins e cultivar uma Amazônia Bem Viver comunitária.
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Latest Publications